Graphic Design
Artwork for commercial or home printing projects
All artwork is supplied as standard in PDF and JPG format with CMYK colour and 300dpi resolution but other formats can be supplied on request. Bleeds are added as required by individual printing houses.
Other artwork formats are also available at no extra cost – please contact us for details.
Artwork is generally emailed to the customer but can provided on CD/DVD at no extra cost.
Examples of our artwork include:
Logo design
Business Letterhead, Business Cards & Compliment Slip design
Brochure/Leaflet design
Logo Design
Let us design a logo for your business.
If you have taken advantage of our website design service then a logo that blends well with your website is an excellent idea and we will obviously be well placed to create one for you.
Prices start at just £48.00 (inc. VAT)
Letterheads, Compliment Slips & Business Cards
We supply artwork for letterheads (A4 – 210mm x 297mm), compliment slips (3 per A4 sheet – 210mm x 99mm), business cards (85mm x 55mm).
Custom sizes are also catered for – please contact us for details.
Prices start at just £48.00 (inc. VAT)
Brochures, Leaflets & Flyers
We supply artwork for brochures and leaflets (customer-specified sizes) and A4 (210mm x 297mm) and A5 (148mm x 210mm) flyers, and leaflets.
Prices start at just £48.00 (inc. VAT)